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IN THE MIST: from a CD cover to real cosplay and videoclip

Above: me from the cover I painted for my album The Underliving to a cosplay version of myself for the video


Hi everyone, Priscilla Hernandez speaking here :) yes, I'm also the admin of this blog and for once I'm making an entry about myself and my work. Why? Because I hope you find it inspiring :) and the post is about "fantasy costumes" too :). In this time I transformed myself into the cover of my own album, in fact several stores and crafters previously featured in yourfantasycostume have contributed with their skills to achieve so :)So as some of my readers know aside of keeping this blog I am also a performer and singer-songwriter  and illustrator and I specialize in fantasy music.

Most of my headpiece was made with locks made of  whiteyarn coming from Woodland Wild previously featured in this blog (thanks Briony, they worked perfectly! :) Additional hair extensions  in white and silver courtesy of Puppy Cat Meow were mingled

Make up, hair and stylism was in charge of Alassie from El Costurero Real also previously featured in yourfantasycostume.

you can watch the final result and videoclip here:



and a BEHIND THE SCENES with some hints about the makeup and hair stylism here




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