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Victorian Choice: Civil War, Period Clothing, Lolita and more!

Above: Marie Antoinette styled rococo gown made by Victorian Choice. A perfect follow up and addition to our previous rococo garments article.

Victorian Choice, based in Redmond, USA,  specializes in designing and making historically inspired dresses and gowns. Whether you're looking for a Victorian dress, a Civil War gown, a Renaissance, Lolita or  even other costume for your themed ball, wedding or event, you've come to the right store. The dresses are beautiful dresses and will  transport you to another time and place. Good thing they are also affordable and have a rather large catalogue to choose from. Some blouses and dresses would fit perfectly also for Steampunk or Gothic lovers as they include gorgeous bustle skirts and period pieces. They make all sizes from XS to XXXL They design their own dresses. The reason that the pictures here appear watermarked is so you know that these are made by  Victorian Choice and no other, so we respect the watermark, as they have claimed some other non licit sellers to use their pictures to sell their gowns. They even have some white models that would be lovely for an alternative bride.

Above Renaissance Velvet Regal Queen Period Dress Collared Ball Gown Reenactment. I love the standing ruff of this one :)

Above: striped gothic gown, somehow it reminded me to Tim Burton´s Sleepy Hollow :)


Above: Victorian French bustle dress. Perfect also for Steampunk lovers.

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Below: Civil Wall Southern Belle styled gown


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