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Nebula X: floral headpieces for all seasons

Nebula X is a store based in Spain that specializes in floral garlands and fairy headpieces. Vibrant and colourful and practically available in any combination of hues, from the earlthly browns and oranges of brown to the sultry and luscious red of the roses. Some of the pieces are  massive and eye striking with a marked "Art Noveau" flair into them.  The store also features some pieces that could be considered more "gothic" featuring black veils, feathers, chains or beads. Some of the pieces could be even tagged as  tribal, perfect for bellydancers and other performers looking for dramatic effects.  The pieces are one of a kind and handmade

You can also network with the crafter in facebook where you can see pictures of commissioned works, wips and happy customers. :)

Really lovely option to pick a fairy crown and go and dance barefoot in a field full of blooms


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